What would South Africa look like with 100 % renewable

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund is loath to lend funds to utilities and governments that want to build coal power plants. According to the Chamber of Mines of South Africa, over the next 10 years Eskom will close four power stations. This means cutting 8800MW of installed capacity. The result will be […]
Sustainable investing and profit

Sustainable investing doesn’t mean waving goodbye to profit. Terry Billson Most people like the idea of investing in companies that are keeping climate change and other concerns in mind. However, when it comes down to the nitty gritty there’s often a caveat: ‘…as long as my return doesn’t get affected by it.’ There’s this […]
Business role in protecting the planet

Terry Billson Business leaders need to step up in the fight to save our planet The need for action is now.According to the WWF, we are the first generation to know we are destroying our planet and the last one that can do anything about it. Prince Charles is the founder and Patron of Business […]
School Solar Solution

WOODRIDGE COLLEGE & PREPARATORY SCHOOL INVESTS IN GENERGY’S SCHOOL SOLAR SOLUTION TO REDUCE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT In partnership with Genergy, Woodridge College & Preparatory School has invested in a solar PV system which will see the school reduce its CO2 emissions by roughly 597 tons per annum. Part of the Genergy projects: the Woodridge installation is […]